A retro site posted this photo, and it reminded me of something funny that happened involving one.
I worked as a draftsman at a steel fabricator that specialized in Abattoirs.
We were commissioned to build a Kobe facility that would be shipped to Japan (The conveyors, etc). All highly polished stainless steel.
All the Japanese bosses come over from Japan to inspect the equipment which had been setup in the workshop fully running. Really nice guys that spoke basic to good English. They couldn’t pronounce my surname, so they would call me “Mr John”.
They would come in at sparrows with the big bosses, and this on particular day I come in reasonably early. I walk out the back to put my lunch in the fridge, and the main Japanese boss was standing at the cafe bar with a plastic cup in each hand. There was also about twenty other cups full of water strewn around the kitchen. He turns around and looks at me in absolute terror.
Mr John Mr John.. HELP
The water was continuously pumping out of the machine and wouldn’t stop. I paused for a second, and turned the machine off at the wall.
I was then made an honorary shogun. 😜
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